The Colin Trio

11may6:00 pm8:00 pmThe Colin TrioTHURSDAY HH | FREE | 6-8PM

Event Details

Less of a trio and more of a triple-headed hydra roving through an alurring array of genre-blending styles, The Colin Trio is anything but typical.
Named after lead singer, guitarist, keyboardist, Colin Hogan, listeners would be hard-pressed to name any specific member of the trio as Lead. Whether it�s Colin�s knack for slipping in and out of musical eras with ease, or bassist Brian Link�s adeptness with any groove, or drummer Cheo Larcombe�s ability to start at the flick of a match, watching The Colin Trio perform live is akin to three improvisational masters besting one another at every turn between a cavalcade of Rock, Soul, Jazz, Funk, and the Blues.


May 11, 2023 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
