STONE & SUE- no website
An endearing duo, Consumed by music of the 20s & 30s, and other old things
DUMPSTER JOE- https://www.facebook.com/dumpsterjoe/
Dumpster joe plays ragtime, country blues , jazz and old time music from the 1920s and 30s as well as original music. Resophonic guitar and everything from washboards and harmonicas to cellos, and saxophones back him up(it depends on what gang of freaks is hanging out). He plays everywhere from street corners to pubs and Cabarets! Good times are had by all when he gets to serenading and syncopating.
TEVIS HODGE, JR.- https://www.facebook.com/TevisHodgeJr/
Born in Virginia, his mixed race and mixed culture background exposed him to the blues and the folk music of his Mother. Since the young age of 12, Tevis has been inspired to bring the old traditions to life for a true blues experience as he channels his heritage. While accenting his own original flare and interpretations, Tevis executes an authentic performance whether it be a cover or an original. As an artist, he is more than a re-vision-er of yesterday, he is a fresh contributor to today.